The top 5 benefits of trail running
Having just returned from a mini-break in Copenhagen, and been lucky enough to run through the beautiful park of Jægersborg Dyrehavn (Copenhagen’s answer to London’s Richmond Park, except car free), I thought it would be the perfect time to do a feature on trail running. I am personally a huge fan of trails although most of my races to date have been performed on road (probably typical of a London-based runner).
So what are the benefits of trail running?
Trail Running Benefit #1: Lower risk of injury
Trail running can help reduce the likelihood of injury for different reasons.
Trails have both an uneven and better shock-absorbing surface compared to smooth bitumen-clad roads. That will make you run harder. The balance and coordination required to run on trails will mobilise muscles that would not be required for road running only. This added strength will contribute to a lower risk of injury in other parts of the body (e.g. stronger core will result in a more stable pelvis and put less demand on your knees). Also, because trails have a softer surface compared to roads and pavements, they reflect less of the impact load and for this reason they are gentler on your joints too, likely resulting in fewer injuries.
Trail Running Benefit #2: It is good for your soul
If you suffer from overtraining or are just tired of doing the same lap around your (urban) block, find joy in running again by finding a nice trail and ditching the watch. Even Deena Kastor swears by it (see her book Let You Mind Run). Not only it will make for a scenic workout and beat the potential boredom but trail running has also be shown to be good for your mental health.
Trail Running Benefit #3: It burns more calories than road running
Trail running also comes with the benefit that it will help you burn more calories than road running only. The reason, which I alluded to in Benefit #1 above, is that the uneven surface of trails requires a fuller body workout to navigate the hills, turns, potential obstacles etc! For this reason it was found that trail running may help you burn an extra 5% calories compared to road running.
Trail Running Benefit #4: It is good road race preparation
Trail running can provide a number of benefits to the road racer also, especially in the early stages of marathon training for example. Not only trail running will allow to build up strength and improve running efficiency, but it also helps with the mental component of race training. But as mentioned in the article, beware that ultimately you will need to train on roads to fulfil the principle of training specificity!
Trail Running Benefit #5: Less competitive setting and better camaraderie
Most runners are not overly concerned about achieving a specific time as all trail runs present different challenges so PB only has meaning when running the exact same race! I certainly found my fellow participants were more willing to engage in conversation when I last ran the Cancer Research Tough 10k up Box Hill, as most of us quickly realised we had to drop down to snail pace nowhere near our road race pace!
You haven’t run trails before? Here is where to start. Also have a look at these few tips.
So go and enjoy that trail!